February 22-23, 2006

“The Holy Ministry”: III International Theological Conference of SELC Lutheran Theological Seminary... » 
Events & News

Confirmation in St. Andrew's Parish: «..as it was in the time of Martin Luther … the children thoroughly study the Small Catechism... » 

Novosibirsk. Pre-seminary Program: «Christology». The instructor mentioned also some popular heretical portrayals of Christ using as an example the notorius book “The Da Vinci Code”... 

Meeting with the Students: Rev. Andrei Ivolga: «Every minister has his gifts.. Some are more inclined toward missionary work, and some fit more into a regular parish ministry... » 

Toy Story in Siberia: Through America to the Edineniye village of Chita Region... 

History of the Modern Church: Dr. Lawrence Rast: «For me, coming to teach at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk is a homecoming... » 

«Catechises in the Lutheran Church»: II International Theological Conference organized by LTS took place in Novosibirsk on March 2-3... 

A Trip to Tomsk: Liturgy, Instruction, Discussion: «..discussion erupted among some guests who had Reformed convictions, about the theological differences between Lutherans and the Reformed... » 

Anglican Luther scholar: Dr. Jonathan Trigg was: «Intrigued by the seeming contradiction that Carl Barth saw between the teachings of Martin Luther on Justification and Infant Baptism... » 

Lenten Chapel Readings: «Hell is paved by the skulls of the priests» – this strict warning of St. John Chrysostom is as pertinent nowadays as it was in the fourth century... 

Seminarians Memorize the Catechism: While preparing for the second course in the Lutheran Confessions, the first-year students of LTS began to memorize Luther’s Small Cateshism in advance... 

Easter in the Eastern Parishes: Fr. Alexei Streltsov, LTS rector, conducted a pastoral visit to the Chita Region on March 25–29... This trip happened to be productive also for the seminary... 

Group 411 takes a course on the Confessions: Rev. Prof. Paul Gregory Alms: «We have not only lectures but also very lively discussions. I see in the students a deep interest in the theology we are learning... » 

Contacts: 2005...